The film is the story of a struggling film maker, Maanav, who gets his break in sharing a story with a film producer...
Bollywood's Mirch - Catch Her Red Handed stars a whooping mega cast of Konkona Sen Sharma, Raima Sen, Boman Irani, Shreyas Talpade, Rajpal Yadav, Shahana Goswami, Arunoday Singh and others. The film is the story of a struggling film maker, Maanav, who gets his break in sharing a story with a film producer, Nitin after much help from Ruchi, Maanav's successful film editor girlfiend. Consequently, Nitin loves the story, except - it's too short to develop into a full feature film. After much contemplation Maanav manages to add three more sections - clubs them into a together wherein the basic story involves a woman's getting caught red handed with her lover by her husband; and despite the chaotic mix up of tales, manages to pass it off as a single movie script. The film Mirch itself also interestingly follows Maanav's fictional tale with four separate stories being told that eventually end up being woven together to create one story. Directed by Vinay Shukla with music by Monti Sharma, Mirch released on 10th Dec, 2010.
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